
November 3, 2014

In My Kitchen- November 2014

Hasn't this year just flown by!

I always feel that way this time of year,  the trouble is, there's still so much left to do!

littlej has exam week coming up, then her Formal and Graduation Ceremonies, throw in a quick trip interstate, a birthday or 4, plus just the usual, and I bet the next couple of months will feel like they're not just flying by but breaking the sound barrier as well :)

Anyway, the start of each month is also time to grab a cuppa and catch up with some Bloggy Buddies with Celia's In My Kitchen Roundup. Check out what everyone else is up to here and maybe make a friend or two along the way...

In My Kitchen...
is a huge bowl of fresh Australian Peaches. The price was completely ridiculous at $3.40 a kilo- what a steal this early in the season!

In My Kitchen...
are some fun Mugs I picked up at Victoria's Basement as we never seem to have enough. Maybe if people could just rinse and re-use the same mug a couple of times...but that's way too hard apparently :)

In My Kitchen...
is a present for me from littlej, she's a very thoughtful girl indeed

In My Kitchen...
is some Wasabi flavoured Kewpie Mayonnaise. Very nice with just a touch of the wasabi burn that I adore. Great for the sinuses!

In My Kitchen...
another toy to play with, some Decoration Spoons. I thought I'd give them a go to see if they can help my plating skills look a bit prettier. The little spout at the end is supposed to help give you more control so you have nice lines and squiggles and don't just end up with blobs of goo on the plate

In My Kitchen...
are some cute little tins of Flower Flavoured Drops. Violet and rose- you know I just can't resist them

Not for the Kitchen...
but worth mentioning even though it's not Food, it's a Flavour... is some Jasmine flavoured Toothpaste! It's actually so lovely and such a nice change from the usual mint, mint or mint :)

In My Kitchen...
are some Dates bought back by a friend who's been travelling in the Middle East lately. The packet states that 'Whoever has seven Ajwa dates every morning, he will not be harmed that day by poison or magic'.

In My Kitchen...
are some absolutely humongous Tomahawk Steaks that I bought for BigJ. At more than 1.5kg each though, he may need some help getting through them. I plan on doing them with the sous vide method so they cook through slowly and gently to the perfect medium rare, then sealing them off on high heat to get a nice crust- yummo!

In My Kitchen...
are some Riedel Crystal Wine Tumblers from MiddleC. She occasionally gets some fantastic promotional freebies from work and these were one of those windfalls. I'm sure I'll be able to put them to very good use indeed

Next to My Kitchen...
is Christmas! Well, the beginnings of it anyway :) I can hardly wait to put the trees up each year, so I always start early. We were up at 12.01am on the first of November and started playing Christmas Carols- don't judge me- and I just love filling the house with beautiful reminders of the Holiday Season

So Dear Readers, what's going on in your Kitchen this month, and when do you put up your Christmas Tree?