
May 17, 2012

Dark Chocolate Sorbet

I had a lovely Mothers Day last weekend

My family made me breakfast in bed- with home made Hollandaise on my perfectly poached eggs; we went to yum cha for lunch, watched a movie, worked in the veggie patch, had one of my favourite dinners, and of course there were presents!

Look at the load of lovely goodies I received!

A delicious Saffron Syrup, some crystallised violets, a jar of very good quality saffron, 2 dozen plump vanilla pods, and the latest Donna Hay cookbook.

Totally blessed!

While nibbling away at my breakfast, I was flicking through the cookbook and one recipe in particular caught my eye: Chocolate Sorbet.... I knew it was meant to be.

I love Donna Hays fresh and lovely approach to food. Her recipes are delights that have such a universal appeal and can be made easily by home cooks. I own all her cookbooks, as much for the styling ideas as well as the food, and her magazine is one I squeal over every time I find it in my letterbox.

I have had a good chocolate sorbet before, but hadn't been able to recreate it in my own kitchen. I was really overthinking it. No dairy disasters, no eggwhite fluffiness, no glucose viscosity- just 4 simple ingredients. That's it. Would it have the rich mouth feel I was after without fats, would it be gritty and icy or smooth and soft, would it really taste like chocolate? I was about to find out!

2 3/4 cups Water
1 cup Castor Sugar
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1 cup good quality Cocoa

Place the sugars and water in a saucepan on high heat, stir until dissolved, and bring to a boil

Whisk in the cocoa powder and reduce heat to medium

Leave on a high simmer for 14- 17 minutes, until the mixture is thick and syrupy and hits 96*C on a thermometer

Let it cool

Process mixture in an ice cream churner, then freeze until firmed up and ready to serve. Alternatively, place cooled mixture in a shallow dish in the freezer, stirring it vigorously about every half hour or so until ready


Scoop out into delicious dollops of dark delight

The sorbet was exactly what I had been trying for- smooth and very, very chocolatey. I really didn't think I could have achieved that result with just cocoa alone, and I would certainly have thought that I'd need an amount of fat to achieve such full bodied richness. Boy, was I glad to be wrong.
The sorbet scooped very well and also held it's shape nicely, having a nice thick syrup is really the key here. If you didn't let it reduce far enough I don't think it would have enough viscosity to maintain it's structural integrity once frozen, or achieve such small, smooth crystals.

I'm so happy to have found this recipe, it's perfect for InTolerances and vegetarian/vegans, and trust me, so very, very delicious!

So Dear Readers, how did you celebrate Mother's Day and spoil your Mother?



  1. I love this sorbet, it's really for those who like their chocolate very dark (like my husband :)) . Happy belated Mother's Day!

    1. Thanks Lorraine! Mr NQN obviously has great taste :)

  2. When I saw the photo I thought you must have been given vanilla beans. And they look fat and juicy too - what a great gift. And yes, Donna Hay is wonderful. I cook her recipes all the time but I wasn't given her cookbook for Mothers Day - yes, you are blessed xx

    1. Definitely Charlie! You might have to ask for it for your birthday instead :)

  3. what a delightful Mother's Day indeed. So glad to hear your day was a lovely one!

    1. I certainly hope you had a wonderful first Mothers Day as well Lisa :)

  4. Belated Mother's Day! This sorbet looks so delicious!

  5. What a lovely mother's day you had! I love Donna Hay too...this sorbet looks divine!

  6. What perfect gifts for you :) I was at home sick on Mothers Day so she came to me but I made her a beautiful cream cheese and berry pound cake with lemon drizzle. Was a winner :D

    1. You poor old thing Nic! I hope you're better now. That certainly sounds like a wonderful cake, I bet it was even worth braving the germs for! :)

  7. Garden vouchers for my mum!
    I've always wanted to try chocolate sorbet, you may just have inspired me :-)

    1. Great idea! I hope you let me know how it goes if you give it a try Janet :)

  8. I am so happy that you had a lovely Mother's Day. My sonand his wife prepared a beautiful brunch for us and it was perfect, just like your sorbet!

    1. You were certainly spoilt too Carol! Thanks sweetie :)

  9. What a great recipe! Did you use natural of Dutch processed cocoa, Becca? Sounds like you had a wonderful mother's day, and you certainly deserved it! xx

    1. Dutch process, because I have a huge big industrial batch to use up Celia!
      I certainly did have a wonderful day, I hope you did too with your lovely boys :)

  10. Dear InTolerant Chef,

    Looks like you had a great Mother's Day. I've never had a chocolate sorbet as most of the ones I've tried are citrusy fruit flavours.

    1. I didn't want to mess with the rich chocolatey yumminess Chopinand, but I guess you certainly could add extras- but why mess with a classic! :)

  11. Awesome! Glad you had a great Mother's Day! And yayy to chocolate sorbets!

  12. Ha aren't you funny. saffron syrup, saffron, and vanilla..... oh if only all family would respect a cooks needs in such a way ( by the way I have received that card , how funny is that?). When I discovered this chocolate sorbet recipe I was just as surprised..... yes awesome, and it doesnt matter if it is dutch process or just cocoa

    1. That's right Tania, I have trained them well! :) Just perfect, isn't it!

  13. Oooh, you scored well - so many gourmet items! Mmm chocolate sorbet looks awesome. I had a great day too, especially as I bought shoes online that I picked myself (always a good way to love your gift!) :)

    1. Shoes are always such an acceptable present Christie! I have waaay to many pairs to be practical :)

  14. Dairy free...gluten free....AND CHOCOLATEY! You have made my day - thank you!

    1. Why thankyou Chompchomp, I just wish I could take the credit for Donna's lovely recipe :)

  15. MMMM,...what a divine chocolate sorbet! It looks just stunning & must taste heavenly too! :)

    Waw, you received a lot of lovely goodies from your husband & children! Lucky you! I also love Donna Hay! I am subscribed to her lovely magazine! Enjoy the book! :)

    1. Thanks Sophie! Donna Hay magazines are just like getting a 'real' cookbook each month. I love the fantastic styling and photography.

  16. Yum... you really can't go wrong with chocolate in any form:) Great recipe.

  17. Wow - your mothers day sounded delightful! totally agree re: Donna Hay too and as for the sorbet - I didn’t realise how simple they can be to prepare.. I am sure the kids would love this.

    1. It really was Sherilyn :) I hope they like it, I bet you could use agave in the syrup instead of refined sugar if you tried :)

  18. Glad to hear you were a little spoiled on Mother's Day - you've deserved it.
    Love this recipe, too - anything with a cup of cocoa in it simply must be good!

    1. All us mums do Amanda! I agree, what could be better? :)

  19. Looks lovely! Nice to hear your mother's day was so good, that's quite a haul you got there!

    1. Thanks Jasmyne! I certainly cleaned up didn't I? I think the family is hoping for me to make them lots of goodies now with all the fancy pants ingredients :)

  20. what a lovely day :) saffron syrup!!! amazing. This sorbet looks divine, I NEED to get into making my own!
    Heidi xo
