
January 4, 2013

In My Kitchen 2013

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well, we see the back end of another Christmas, and the start of a whole new cycle of seasons, celebrations and blogging all over again.
I hope you all had a wonderful time and got a well deserved break/rest/holiday and that you got some lovely goodies/yummies/pressies/jewelry under the tree.

For my first post this year, I thought I'd jump back in with Celia's In My Kitchen Roundup and give you a glimpse of some goodies I got under my tree this year.

Check out what's going on in some of the blogisphere's best kitchens by clicking on this link:

January 2013...

In My Kitchen.... there are thankfully no more leftovers from our Christmas feasting!

A platter of roasts- Chicken, Turkey, Lamb and Pork. Enjoyed hot, cold, on sandwiches, reheated in gravy, turned into stews, and the last few bits frozen as Ready-to-go-tv-dinners with veggies for extra busy days

Not quite as exciting as this though, with homegrown peas and carrots and super crispy duck fat potatoes

In My Kitchen... are some gruesome new cookie cutters, maybe I'll use them for Valentines Day?

In My Kitchen... are some great number cutters and stamps. I've had to promise to make a Christmas Cookie Countdown for next year!

In My Kitchen... is a great new cookbook from one of our most talented, passionate chefs, Kylie Kwong. Many great recipes here indeed

Also some great DIY tips for everything from churning cultured butter, to making my own cured ham for next Christmas

And some awesome ideas for where I'd like to go for my next vacation. I could quite happily eat my way from China to Vietnam for a month or so...

Or perhaps this Fantasy Land of Macarons takes reservations?
Anyone for a Gin and tonic macaron, or how about a Fig,burnt honey and red wine?

In My Kitchen... is also my pressie from BigJ, a Cuisinart Ice Cream maker complete with it's own compressor so we can have lactose free ice cream whenever the fancy takes us!

Very fancy-pantsy indeed!
We've already tried a couple of variations, but I think we need to tweak it just a little bit more to get the consistency I'm after. The taste though, is sublime!

And just to prove that Christmas is indeed the season of miracles:

In My Kitchen... is BigJ doing the washing up!
Greater love hath no man...than one hoping for homemade ice cream on a hot Summer day :)

So my Dear Readers, did you have a nice break and did you receive anything special under your tree this Christmas?



  1. Love Luke Nguyen's latest book, Bec! You have so many goodies in your kitchen! Happy new year.

    1. It's a great one indeed, isn't it Lizzy? Happy New Year to you too :)

  2. Wow you've had a fabulous Christmas! All of that food and all of those lovely gifts-and all so well deserved too! :D Happy New Year lovely!

    1. Thankyou muchly Lorraine! I sure got spoilt, didn't I? And a very Happy New Year to you too! :)

  3. Happy New Year, darling! I'm SO impressed with the ice cream maker - I searched high and low for one with its own compressor so I could stop freezing the discs, but couldn't track one down. Now that I've seen yours though, I'm not sure I have room in the kitchen to fit it! Love the book and cookie cutters - AND the crispy duck fat potatoes! :) xx

    1. And ever so much to you and your gorgeous family too Celia! I have to admit my first (hidden)thought on seeing my ice cream maker was 'where on earth will it go?' But it is pretty swanky :) Duck fat is the only way to go, it makes the most awesome potatoes indeed :)

  4. I love the look of all those leftover meats - don't they just turn into wonderful meals! I covet that ice cream maker - that's the exact one I've been wanting for years. And you have so many new cookbooks - looking forward to you sharing with us the best of all these recipes. Love the image of all the beautifully wrapped gifts xx

    1. So many great left overs Charlie! I think you should put the ice cream maker on your Mothers Day or Birthday wish list :) Some people cruelly mentioned that having the gifts colour co-ordinated to the tree was carrying things a bit far, but I choose to believe they were speaking out of jealousy :)xox

  5. I actually tried out some gluten free and dairy free ginger bread men! They turned out alright but the next day they were very dry... maybe next time they will be better! I just used rice flour and potato flour not an actual mix, I think that was my problem...

    I've always enjoyed your blog, I have actually just started my own...

    It has lots of gluten free, dairy free, vegan recipes that I have made plus a few other things as well

    here is the link:

    1. I definitely think that a good mix is the way to go Cameron, as they seem to have a nice balance already. Thanks for your lovely compliment, I'll certainly stop by yours for a look in. Good luck and happy blogging!

  6. A new paella pan and TWO Spanish cookbooks: an enthusiasm entirely due to Rick Stein! I've been making dairy-free fruit 'icecream' with rice milk and getting great results (strawberry, mango, banana...)

    1. Ooooh they sound like great gifts! I love Rick Stein too, he's a real foodie hero isn't he? I love frozen bananas as they go all creamy and lucious- yummo!

  7. Hiya Becca and Happy New Year

    Santa was very kind to you this Christmas. You are blessed to receive all those wonderful gifts.

    1. Oh he was, wasn't he! I am so very blessed indeed with my wonderful family- the gifts are just an added bonus :)

  8. lovely kitchen goodies. you were very lucky indeed. Such a stash of cookbooks.....or is that a clutch?... and that ice cream machine !!!!!. So lucky Happy Ne Year x

    1. Oh I like the sound of a clutch of cookbooks! Though perhaps a clutter of cookbooks is more like it sometimes :) Happy New Year to you too Sweetie!

  9. Fabulous cook books and other kitchen goodies! Looks like you scored big time! Happy New Year to you and yours! :)

    1. Mega big time Ina! And a very Happy New Year to you too :)

  10. super crispy duck fat potatoes....enough said :) happy new year, lovely lady!
    Heidi xo

    1. CRUUUNNNCCCHHH! That's the sound of great duck fat potatoes isn't it Heidi? Happy, Happy New Year to you too sweetie!

  11. An ice cream machine - I can hardly think of a more dangerous weapon to have in my arsenal... but now know what to put on the birthday wish list this year (not an ideal Christmas gift when you live in Canada!!).

    Happy to hear that you had such a great holiday IC. Happy new year!

    1. I can certainly see that ice cream wouldn't be a priority for you at this time of year! It's already recieved quite a work out here though with our weeks of 38*C heat :(

  12. I'm in green envy over your cookie cutter! Happy New Year!

    1. Aren't they great! My kiddies know I have a twisted sense of humour :) Happy New Year to you to sweetie!

  13. Looks like you've hit the mother-lode of cookbooks there, Bec. I can't wait to see what you come up with using the new ice cream maker, too!

    1. I sure got some goodies this time, didn't I Amanda? So many yummy choices...iced delights galore!!
