
October 14, 2013

Spring Violets

Hello my Lovelies- I'm back!

I missed you, I really, truly did, but I'm back now Nearly-Good-As-New and ready to get into the blogging groove.
It was a bit hectic there for a while with medical bits and pieces, with the worse part being that while I was in the Operating Room having surgery, BigJ was down in the Emergency Room with a ruptured disc in his back. The hospital certainly got a double whammy from our family that day! It's just as well that we've got such wonderful girls as MiddleC and littlej did a great job helping us, and littlej didn't even mind staying home from school to play Nurse for a while :)
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and well wishes, especially Lorraine, Celia, Charlie, and Tania who cheered me up so much and made my day with their emails and phone calls xox

Anyway, today's recipe is Violet Meringue

It's still Spring, and despite the bizarre Mid-Summer temperatures hitting so early, I have had some gorgeous little violets shyly peeping through the greenery in my kitchen garden. I've mentioned before that I just love floral flavours and violet is one that is so soft and subtle that it matches well with the light, billowy clouds of meringue that remind me of Spring skies and warm weather

Basic Meringue

My basic rule of thumb recipe for meringues, is for every 1 Egg White to use 1/4 cup of Castor Sugar
I also add a tiny splash of white vinegar for acid to strengthen the protein and a good pinch of gf cornflour to prevent any weeping- just in case there are a few stray sugar crystals

You can also add a small amount of liquid flavouring- for this 2 egg white quantity I used 1 tablespoon, and some colour as well. Just make sure that they aren't oil based or the mixture won't whip. (The oil based essence you can see here, I added carefully after beating and quickly marbled through just before baking)
I also used some gorgeous candied violets to add extra yumminess and a bit of texture on top

Make sure your egg whites are nice and clean without any specks of yolk, or they won't whisk. Your bowl and beaters need to be spotless too

Whisk the whites until they froth, then add in the sugar, vinegar and cornflour

Then beat until thick, white and glossy

Add in your violet flavouring syrup and mix through

I mixed the paste colour and violet oil together in a little bowl so it would distribute well

Placed some on the mixture

Then folded it through for a marbled effect

Dollop nice, generous piles of the mixture on baking sheets

Sprinkle with candied violets

Then bake in a 120*C oven for half an hour until the outside is nice and crispy, then turn the oven off and let them cool down inside it to dry out without humidity

I know the photos are a bit different, but I started this post pre-op and have finished it post-op, so a new batch of yummies were required. I should have been clever enough to check my first photos to make them match...but I wasn't :( oops!

Nice and crispy on the outside, with a softer, fluffy middle tasting so beautifully of violets and Spring time- Yummo

So Dear Readers, what's your favourite taste of Spring and who looks after you when you're sick?


  1. Welcome back Bec, lovely to see you again. Have missed you. Sending get well wishes! Love this recipe, it's a cracker. Violets are just so very pretty! My favourite taste of Spring? Too hard. So many lovely new flavours to play with : )

    1. Thanks Lizzy, I sure hope that you're feeling better too!

  2. What beautiful meringues! And I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better and on the mend :D Don't you hate that proverb that says trouble comes in pairs or threes-or worse still, that it's usually right?

    1. Don't jinx me Lorraine! We've had enough medical expenses to pay for another holiday :( At least we're well on the way to recovery though thanks sweetie xox

  3. Wonderful to hear you're better. What a mess with both of you down for the count.

    Your violet meringues look so good and very Spring-y.

    Thankfully I haven't yet been sick enough to need a carer but hopefully John would be there for me. :)

    1. Or his Dad would Maureen! I think you Queenslanders skipped Spring and went straight to Summer this year :)

  4. Have to forage around for some violets to make these, if I was sick I would like to think one of my sisters would look after me or at least offer even if they had to fly to me to do it. But I would probably have to still look after everyone including myself.

    1. It would be lovely to have a family that cared that much about each other Simcha. Your sisters must be wonderful indeed! :)

  5. Hooray, she's back! We've missed you! So glad to hear you're feeling better! And the meringues look gorgeous - thanks for the vinegar and cornflour tip! xx

    1. I missed you too sweetie! Those are my secret ingredients for fail-proof meringues Celia- and not making them on rainy days, they never work on rainy or very humid days at all xox

  6. It's so good to have you back, Rebecca; we've all missed you. I do hope you've made a full recovery. Your violet meringues are gorgeous - such a pretty colour and yes, very Spring-like. That's a good tip to remember - 1/4 cup caster sugar for every egg white! xx

    1. Thanks so much Charlie, and thanks for calling sweetie- it really made my day!
      That's a really good rule to follow for decent meringues, it works every time too! xox

  7. So glad to learn that you're doing so much better and hope the same can be said for your BigJ. You were missed. These meringues are perfect for Spring.I've pinned the recipe in my "How To" folder. Never having made meringues before, now I'll know where to go to find out how.

    1. Aww, thanks guys! Meringues and Pavlovas (just bigger meringues) are so delicious- especially piled high with whipped cream and fresh fruit, I hope you give them a try and see how easy and yummy they are :)

  8. Lovely to see your posts again, Rebecca!

    Loving those meringues -I've never made them before, nor have I used violets in cooking. They look delicious!

    1. T hanks Lucy! You should give them a try- even without the violets :)

  9. What a beautiful sweet dish!
    I really hope you are feeling so much better, it sounds like your family had a terrible time!! I can't even begin to imagine.

    1. Thankfully we're on the mend now thanks! Meringues are nice and easy to whip up for a fat free treat- lots of sugar calories, but no fat- that means they're kinda sorta healthier right? :)

  10. So glad to see you back on deck, Bec, and with such a beautiful recipe too. Perfect for spring!

    1. Thanks Amanda, it's sure nice to be back to normal again at last! Violets are one of my favourite scents and flavours any time of year :)

  11. Glad you're back, Rebecca. I hope all went well. What a stunning recipe to come back with. Truly, stunning in the truest sense - wow! Beautiful. I adore asparagus in Spring. & artichoke :) All the best with your health.
    Heidi xo

    1. WHy thanks indeed Heidi! I'm so upset- I was going to harvest my first asparagus after finally hitting the 3rd season of growth, but they all went to seed while I was confined to bed!!! DEVESTATED!!!
