
March 26, 2014

Bird Seed Bread

My Mum is into all sorts of Natural Health and Alternative Remedies

She regularly sends me emails and information about this or that herb or vitamin and recipes that she thinks will interest me and suit my InTolerances. I have to admit though, that this recipe labelled Life Changing Loaf, languished in my in-box for quite a while, and though it sounded OK, it had no photos or really enough information to tempt me to go to the effort to buy all the bitsies and bake it. It wasn't until I saw the great photos and step-by-steps on Lovely Loraine's blog Here that I woke up and realised what a gem this recipe was. I'm really not sure where this recipe originated from, but after graciously receiving both Mum and Lorraine's blessing, I just had to post it as well and share the love with you too Dear Readers
**I've found out that the owner of this yummy recipe is Sarah from My New Roots. The original post can be found here:  check out her blog for lots of yumminess!**

Bird Seed Bread

1 cup Sunflower seeds
½ cup Flax seeds
½ cup Hazelnuts or Almonds
1/2 cup Sesame seeds
1 ½ cups gluten free Rolled Oats
2 tbsp Chia seeds
4 tbsp Psyllium seed husks
1 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Honey/Maple syrup/Agave
3 tbsp Coconut/Nut/Olive oil or Ghee
1 ½ cups Water

I was glad I was able to get all the ingredients for my seedy bread at the supermarket instead of having to hunt everywhere. I always find that easily accessible ingredients mean that I will definitely MAKE the recipe instead of ADMIRING it, and I figure that most people probably feel the same :)

Pop all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well

Mix together the  oil, honey and water stir to dissolve the honey
I used a yummy Macadamia oil to add to the nuttiness of the loaf, and that black looking stuff is a really dark candied honey that has an amazing, deep, strong flavour- delicious!

Mix the wets into the dry and stir through really well making sure there aren't any little pockets of dry mixture on the bottom

See how quickly the chia, flax and psyllium swell up and go gummy? This is what binds the loaf together and stops it from falling apart

Press the mixture into a loaf pan and leave out at room temperature for at least two hours to continue setting

Pop the loaf into a 175*C oven and bake for about 50-60 minutes
I used a silicon pan to bake mine in though and I always find that things tend to sweat in them and can become a little soggy. To make sure I got a nice toasty loaf, I turned my loaf out of the silicon and onto a baking tray after 30 minutes, then just cooked it for the rest of the time like that

Nice and golden brown! The loaf should sound hollow when you tap it on the bottom, if it's not then leave it to cook a little longer

Now comes the hardest part of the whole experience- waiting until the bread cools down totally before slicing! It will crumble into pieces if you are impatient and don't wait


I really, really enjoyed this bread hot and toasted, with a dab of naughty butter and a bit more of my deep, dark honey. I don't know if I would really call it Life-Changing, but it is easy, full of fibre and other healthy goodies, and most of all it is definitely delicious indeed and I will certainly be making this one regularly- yummo!

So my Dear Readers, are you into Natural Remedies and have you ever realised that you have passed up a great recipe because you didn't give it enough attention?



  1. Oh how I do love little non bready type breads! They are just GOOD for you :-)

    (ps. The original comes from a My New Roots recipe I believe

  2. It's a great bread isn't it? I love seedy breads as they're always so full of flavour :D And yes it originally came from My New Roots :)

    1. I've updated this post with a link to Sarah's blog now Lorraine, and also left her a message telling her sorry for posting her recipe without permission :( Hopefully she'll be understanding and realise that it was an accident. I did also tell her how much I love her bread! :) xox

  3. I need to try this. John calls all bread with seeds bird food. I can only imagine what he'd say about this. I'd eat it and want more.

  4. It certainly has a lot of goodness in it and it sure does slice well. When Alfie was little he went to family day care and the woman running it would provide the lunch. She would make sandwiches with bread with seeds in it and Alfie would come home saying, 'there were stones in the bread' xx

    1. Maybe you should have called DOCS, just in case Charlie? :) My mum never fed us anything that didn't have seeds in it! I still can't get my head around plain, white bread- not that I can eat it anyway xox

  5. Looks delicious, Becca! I'll have to pass this post on to my coeliac friends! Thank you! x

    1. Not as gorgeous and crusty as your beautiful bread Celia, but still lovely in it's own right :) xox

  6. Bec, this looks and sounds really tasty! Sharing this with my daughter now! She will love it too.

    1. I hope she likes it Lizzy, let me know how it goes :)

  7. Nom Nom Nom! You had me at the lashings of butter. Lol. Tasty little creation this one. I'll be bringing to the kitchen to include on our healthy MT & AT options. :)

  8. This is one healthy loaf of bread! I should try and make it. I've not used most of the ingredients and it would be a learning experience. Not to mention having a great loaf of bread at the end is some reward. :)

    1. It's so interesting how it all comes together! You do need to treat it carefully though, it's a lot more delicate than 'regular' bread :)

  9. love this! my nephew is sensitive to gluten so this would be perfect for him!

    1. I hope he doesn't mind the nubbly texture Amy. I love the chewiness though :)

  10. Oh I love this!!!
    I saw it on Lorraine site too and just wanted to munch into it, two recommendations is too much for me to ignore... I m making it :)

    1. I hope you like it Julie, let me know how it works out for you :) x
