
July 9, 2014

In My Kitchen- July 2014

Each month I seem to collect a few Weird and Wonderful bits and pieces

Ingredients, utensils, cookbooks- whatever, as long as it's food related I'm interested. Sometimes I don't really know what to do with them, but I sure have fun figuring it out!

That's just one of the reasons I love sweet Celia's In My Kitchen Posts that give a monthly roundup of what's new and interesting in other kitchens around the Blogisphere as well. If you'd like to have a stickybeak with me, check out all the action at Celia's blog over HERE and feel free to join in the fun

In My Kitchen is...
a Cake Pop stand. They're not something I make very often, but they certainly need to be displayed well after all the effort they require. Littlej and I are going to make some over the holidays and now they shall stand tall and proud in their new stand!

In My Kitchen...
are some Cake Stencils. Great for adding a nice dusting of icing sugar or cocoa powder to the top of a pie, tart or cake. Nice and easy to add a bit of bling

In My Kitchen...
is a Mushroom Cookbook from Australian Mushroom for even more Mushroom Inspiration. I loved playing with all my little Funghi Friends last month

In My Kitchen...
are a set of cute little Dumpling Press that my Mum bought me. They have lanterns on them that should stamp an imprint onto the little dumpling cheeks and help them look pretty. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm looking forward to some Yummy Cha soon

In My Kitchen...
is a Windmill Cookie Cutter to add to my collection. I thought this would be nice to use when I make Speculaas, yummy spiced Dutch biscuits

In My Kitchen...
is some Jasmine Syrup and some Jasmine Tea Flowers from T2. I'm thinking of poaching some pears in jasmine, but it's still in the planning stage

In My Kitchen...
are some gorgeous Pickled Vegetables. Each 600gm jar cost just 99c- too good to be true!

In My Kitchen...
are some cute tin Tea Canisters. My old ceramic ones met with a sad accident recently, so until I replace them these cheery sayings will brighten up my benches and keep my Earl Grey nice and cosy

In My Kitchen...
is a big jar of Honey I bought off a little Greek man, literally from the back of his truck. I was poking around an op-shop when he came in and bought a few dozen empty jars of various sizes. When we asked him what on earth he was going to do with them, he told us he was in the middle of  his honey harvest and had run out of jars to put it all in. He had boxes of golden goodness in the back of his truck that he was planning on selling at the markets, but we got first dibs as we were there first :)

In My Kitchen...
is a bright bowl of home grown Mandarins from my lovely Italian Nonna Neighbour. They are so sweet and just the right size for a quick snack. They add a nice splash of colour to the Winter bleakness outside the window

In My Kitchen...
are some terrific truffley treasures- Truffled Gouda and Truffled Brie- yummo! What a lucky find at the market deli indeed :) The Brie is French but the truffles are local, I'm not sure about the Gouda and I actually don't even care, as it is by far the yummiest thing I've come across in a long time! After trying the Brie, I've stuck in back in the fridge for a while to let the flavours develop a little more, but the Gouda is good to go right now and it is GORGEOUS

In My Kitchen...
is a beautiful big bag of local Chickpeas I picked up at the Capital Region Farmers Markets. I've popped them in soup and they are gorgeously creamy when cooked. Yummo

In My Kitchen...
also from the Farmers Markets, is another treasure indeed- a pile of Prunes! I love prunes, I'm really not too big a fan of raisins or sultanas, but prunes have a lovely, subtle sweetness that suits both sweet and savoury dishes. I'm thinking a classic tart, or a lamb tagine, or poaching them with spices, or just eating them as is perhaps while I think about it. Better than lollies or candy any day!

So Dear Readers, what's your favourite snack and what's going on in your kitchen this month?



  1. Wow - what a haul. It sounds like you have some serious baking plans in your future. I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

  2. I know the little man you are talking about... he used to go from store to store at the Belco Markets when I was manager there, selling his honey. It's quite tasty. Lovely things in your kitchen, as always Bec. I haven't seen those prunes before... which market?

    1. So funny Liz, I think he's been around forever, but he did mention he might have to give up soon as his wife has been stung a few times by his bees and she's allergic! The prunes are from the Capital Region Farmers Markets from the same stall as the chickpeas. The grower was just lovely and I think you can buy online as well x

  3. A great haul this month as always Rebecca! :D There's so much to love in this. And you're going to laugh but my cake pop stand is a big hunk of foam! :P

    1. I've certainly used that before Lorraine- even a broccoli box turnedupside down! I just thought this stand looked a little more genteel and sophisticated- for a change! :) xox

  4. Wow, what an amazing assortment of goodies in your kitchen. Nothing beats local honey and you are right, after the effort of making cake pops they need to be showcased :)

    1. Thanks Tandy! I'd love to be part of the Urban Honey group here in town, but sadly I'm allergic to bee stings :( Cake pops are a lot of fiddly effort, but they're so pretty I just have to make them now and then :)

  5. Hi Becca, Those truffled cheeses sounds interesting. I have never seen either - They sound wonderful.

    1. I've had truffled peccorino before and it was certainly very nice, but the gouda has them all beat! I also have some stunning truffle honey that's great drizzled over plain cheese that will lift the ordinary to the extrodinary.. can you tell I'm a huge fan of truffles? :)

  6. some interesting additions indeed! And I've been loving that mushroom book too :)

    1. Thanks Lisa! The book sure has some great recipes and inspiration- it's so easy to get in the habbit of only doing veggies the same way each time, this helps keep it fresh indeed :)

  7. What a fantastic Kitche you have this month Rebecca :) Truffled Cheese, WOW! I do love all things truffled. Where are your Farmers markets? I won't to go to yours :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'll take you on a tour if you're ever down my way Liz :) I adore truffles and it's exciting to be able to buy fresh ones here in Canberra!

  8. Hi Rebecca! Those clementines look delicious, and I just love the scent of jasmine. :) Thanks for the peek!

    1. Thanks Emily! When we were in Singapore I drank litres of Iced Jasmine drink every day and just fell in love with it. The mandarines are just so sweet that I think you could even eat them skin and all :)

  9. You have so many lovely treasures, Rebecca. I love the story of the honey! What perfect timing to be shopping right when he appeared. I also love the mandarins - how wonderful to have such a generous neighbour xx

    1. Thanks Charlie! Definitely lucky both times for sure! I palmed off- I mean kindly gifted- heaps of tomatoes and zucchini around my friends in summer when the garden was bursting with excess, and it's nice to do a produce swap from time to time when they've got extras too. Share the love I say! :) xox

  10. I love these In My Kitchen posts! It's like peeking into someone's home. What great items to have in your kitchen. I'm especially curious about the Jasmine syrup and flowers. Thanks for the peek is right!

    1. I adimt I love them too, there's always inspiration somewhere! I'm thinking of poaching pears lightly with the jasmine flowers and some green tea, then putting them in friands brushed with the sryup while they're still hot- what do you think?

  11. Awww, pretty dumpling press!!! And an equally nice windmill cutter! Will you be posting a Speculoos recipe soon?! Mmmm...

    Gourmet Getaways

    1. I'm always planning too Julie, but then I forget to take photos or something! One day I'll finally get around to it, but Celia has a good one if you're looking :)

  12. There is nothing in your kitchen I don't love. Seriously, I could move right in. :)

  13. Local chickpeas? I didn't even know we could buy those - how fabulous! And that windmill mould is a far easier way to make speculaas than the wooden ones which always stick! Love the idea of the cake stencils too, will look out for them. Thanks for the inspiration darling xxx

    1. Thanks Celia! I thought windmills and tulips would make a nice change, and make things a bit easier too :) Cake stencils are a great, lazy way to bling up a plain cake for the table when I'm too slack to go to any more effort- especially if I know my creation will be devoured rapidly by teenagers! xox

  14. i love all your kitchen goodies. and those Dutch cookie cutters- to die for! cute as...

    1. Thanks Sherry! I'm slightly embarrased to admit I have enough cutters to fill nearly two whole trash cans- but don't tell my husband, he'll ban me from buying any more..shhh.... :)

  15. Oh Monin Syrup is my favorite!!! They're so hard to find in Australia though! My mother had the exact same set of dumpling press, though she used them only once in a blue moon... Am to go back to France for holidays soon, so might have to steel these when I'm there :)

    1. I love the syrups too Olivia! I have Jasmine, Rose, Lavender, Violet and Cucumber and they are all so yummy. Sometimes they can be found at Essential Ingredient, but otherwise I go to a catering shop that will order them in for me. Definitely sneak the press back in your luggage- they don't weigh much :)

  16. Gosh Bec thats a lot of interesting things. When I used to make a lot of cake pops I made a stand out of a tissue box with holes in the top to stand them in because there was no such thing. Did you get your Monin syrup from Essential? I've tried truffle Gouda its lovely. Sounds like you live in the middle of Greece. Wonder what that honey tastes like?

    1. Thanks Tania! It's funny how we can always find a way to make things work without having to spend big bucks, but then we see the 'perfect' item and just have to have it! I get my syrup from Essential sometimes, otherwise I go to a catering supply shop that will order them in for me- not any cheaper though :( The honey is very tasty and a bit 'brighter' to taste as it hasn't been pasteurised, I'd like to get more soon as we're nearly out already. I could definitely do with a holiday to Greece- it's freezing outside and there's snow on the mountains making for a vicious windchill! xox

  17. Oh YuM! Everything about your post had me salivating. I too love looking at all the kitchen gadgets -the dumpling presses are great. Would love some of that cheese and prunes right now. Lovely post :)

  18. Becca, your "gorgeous Gouda" sounds amazing, and the tea canisters made me smile. Also, I only recently learned what 'yum cha' means (better late than never!) and your dumpling presses are darling -- enjoy every bite!
