
February 11, 2015

A Quick Fix Mix for Pancakes

We all live such very busy lives nowadays

I'm really very fussy about what I feed my family, and although I'll buy and grow as much real, fresh food as possible, I do tend to buy ready made snacks for work and school lunches

We all need a little cheat now and then, whether it's buying ready made or packet mix, and the cheatingest packet pre-mix of all are those shake and mix Pancake jugs.  littlej in particular is a fan of these, the lure of a quick treat for a weekend breakfast is hard to resist- especially if she can bribe me into buying the packet for her by offering me breakfast in bed on the occasional Saturday morning

These mixes can be pretty pricey when you think about the cost of the raw ingredients, so I wanted to try and make my own. I was so very happy with the results both with cost and flavour, that I just had to share it with you all and hope you can persuade someone into making you breakfast in bed too :)

Better than the ones in the shop!

Gluten Free Pancake Pre-mix

6 cups gf Plain Flour
2 cups dried Milk Powder (or leave out for dairy free)
1/2 cup White Sugar or Castor Sugar
1/3 cup gf Baking Powder
2 tsp Bicarb Soda
1 tsp Salt

Pop everything into a big bowl together

 Mix very, very thoroughly. You could sift it together if you really want to, but I just run a whisk through it until it's lovely, light and combined

Fill a nice big jar or container with the yummy mix. My jam funnel came in very handy for this- no spills at all  :)

Make sure you write the instructions/ratio down so there's no mistake,

Of course the next logical step is to use some of the mix to make, of course, Pancakes!

2 cups of Pre-mix (I like my pancakes nice and thick and fluffy. If you like yours thinner and more crepe like, use maybe just one cup instead)
1 cup of Water (or milk if you didn't use dried milk powder)
1 Egg

Chuck them all in together

Mix briefly. Now just a tip, all gluten free flour mixes are different combinations of flours and starches so they may vary in density once mixed with the water. Just thin it down until it's the perfect consistency for you

Pour about half a cup at a time into a pre-warmed buttered or oiled pan and wait until small bubbles appear on the surface and the top is slightly set

Flip your little beauty over, let it puff up and finish cooking through. When it's done it should bounce back slightly when you press on it lightly with your finger

Using the ratios given, you will get 6 fabulous, fluffy flapjacks, but of course that depends how big you make them :)

So simple, so quick and easy! I figure with a big jar of this in the pantry the odds of BigJ making me breakfast in bed on Valentines Day just went up a notch or two :)

What a perfect gift, or a great hint that a wonderful, yummy breakfast is only a minute away!

So Dear Readers, do you often have breakfast in bed and do you use a lot of pre-mixes or is it strictly 'from scratch' for you?


  1. Bec, this is excellent! You are such a clever chef! Thank you...

  2. These home made pre mixes are great pressies too

  3. I love these premixes! I gave some buttermilk pancake mix away for Christmas :D

    1. Yummy Lorraine, Simcha suggested that too- maybe I could send some chocolate chip pancake mix for Easter :) x

  4. I have often thought about doing this. I usually just make pancake batter but prepping like this would make the whole job so much faster.

    1. It certainly does save time in the long run Maureen- especially on busy mornings!

  5. It's such a good idea to make your own pre-mix. I need to get organised and do this. Your pancakes look incredible - very light and fluffy with good height xx

    1. Thanks Charlie, I'm not a fan of flat-type crepes for breakfast, I need something fluffy that will soak up all the sweet syrup :) x

  6. This is such a good idea! I'm a bit of a messy eater, so no breakfasts in bed for me unfortunately...crumbs hehe

    I wanted to pop by and let you know that I've nominated you for a Liebster award in my latest post. Please don't feel obligated to participate, as I know it can be the kind of thing that people either love or hate. It's been going around for a while, so you may have already been nominated in the past.

    1. I'm not fond of crumbs in bed either Taryn, but even worse is the cat covering my sheets with grass seeds :)
      Thanks for the award! I plan a combined IMK and Liebster post in March x

  7. Well, this is technically from scratch and just preparing it for use! A great and practical idea especially for busy people that still want DIYs. Thank you!!!

    Julie & Alesah
    Gourmet Getaways xx

    1. Thanks guys :) It's certainly a big time saver, that's for sure!

  8. This is brilliant! I've never been able to bring myself to buy the shop variety, but have looked longingly on occasion. Do you think the ratio would work with ordinary flour?

    1. It shouldn't be a problem Amanda, maybe just a tad more water as gf flour has a lot of starches that thicken up pretty well. Let me know how it goes sweetie :) x

  9. What a damn fantastic idea. A good gift for a friend of mine. Thank you!

  10. I'll definitely be trying this out and saving it for xmas gifts! Love it :)

  11. These look great and the dipping sauce looks yummy, im always keen to try new soy sauce bases sauces

  12. Now, isn't this a brilliant idea? Two thumbs up for thinking of this! :D
